How do I suppress my Equifax credit report?

If you think your identity may have been stolen or you have reasonable grounds to believe you have been a victim of fraud, you can request a suppression on your credit report.

A credit file suppression helps if you think your identity may have been stolen. If you have reasonable grounds to believe you have been or are likely to be a victim of fraud, you can request a suppression on your credit report.

Placing a suppression on your credit file will prevent credit providers from accessing your credit report as part of a credit check.

Whilst the suppression is in place your credit information can’t be disclosed by the credit reporting body. Credit providers will not be able to see credit reporting information on your personal, or public credit report without your specific written permission.

This helps to safeguard against anyone using your information to try and fraudulently take credit out in your name.

Date of birth *
E.g., 29/03/2025
I request Equifax to send this suppression period request (including any supporting information) to Illion and Centrix. I understand that Equifax will share this suppression period request and is not responsible for the actions of the other Credit Reporting Body (“CRB”). Please note the other CRB may contact you directly to confirm the actions they have taken or any additional information they may require.